Топор Helve из стекловолокна весом 600 г с противоскользящей резиновой рукояткой

Модель: 8871271 Категория:

Durable and lightweight 600g fibreglass helve axe with anti-slip TPR rubber handle, perfect for chopping wood and other materials.

  • This 600g fibreglass helve axe is a durable and reliable tool for any chopping task.
  • The fibreglass helve ensures a comfortable and secure grip while also dampening vibrations.
  • The handle is softened with anti-slip TPR rubber for added safety and control.
  • With a 36 cm helve, this axe is lightweight and easy to handle.
  • Perfect for cutting wood or other materials, this axe is a must-have for any toolbox or outdoor enthusiast.

дополнительный параметр

helve 36 cm

технические параметры

600 g

информация об упаковке

weight: 0.95 kg
size: 39.0 x 15.0 x 3.0 cm

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