Навесной замок с длинной дужкой и 3 ключами, 52 мм

Модель: 93252 Категория:

This long shackle padlock is made of robust materials to provide maximum security. It measures 52mm in size, comes with three keys and is lockable without any key.


Запирается без ключа, закрывается щелчком.

дополнительный параметр

3 клавиши

технические параметры

52 mm

информация об упаковке

weight: 0.345 kg
size: 13.0 x 5.2 x 2.5 cm

  • This long shackle padlock is designed for maximum security.
  • It is made of high-quality cast iron with an inner galvanized surface, a brass cylinder lock, and a hardened steel hanging eye.
  • The padlock body measures 52mm and is lockable without any key, shut by simply clicking.
  • It comes with three keys and has a weight of 0.345kg, and size of 13.0 x 5.2 x 2.5 cm.
  • The combination of these features provides increased protection against corrosion, and an effective security system.

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