Однопоршневой воздушный компрессор, резервуар объемом 24 л, максимальное давление 8 бар

Модель: 418201 Категория:

Powerful and efficient single piston air compressor with a 24L pressure vessel, 8 bar max pressure, and 154l/min suction power.


230 В/50 Гц



объём бака


max. pressure

8bar (0,8MPa)

suction power


filling performance


filling time




информация об упаковке

weight: 21.2 kg
size: 58.0 x 26.0 x 60.5 cm

Вам также будет интересно…

  • The single piston air compressor is a powerful and efficient tool designed for use in any setting where compressed air is needed.
  • With a 24-litre pressure vessel and a 1,500 W input, it is capable of providing a consistently high output pressure of 8 bar and a suction power of 154 l/min, making it suitable for a wide range of pneumatic tools.
  • The clear pressure gauge display allows for easy setting of the outlet pressure, while the second pressure gauge displays the pressure level in the pressure vessel.
  • It also has an optical oil level indicator and wheels for easy transport.

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