Алмазный отрезной диск, влажная резка, ⌀ 125 × 22,2 × 2 мм

Модель: 108832 Категория:

Versatile diamond cutting blade suitable for semi-professionals and DIY-ers. Wet cutting feature, 125mm diameter, and max speed of 12,200 rpm. Ideal for cutting various building materials.

  • The diamond cutting blade is a versatile and durable tool designed for semi-professionals and DIY-ers.
  • With its wet cutting feature and 125mm diameter, it can efficiently cut through various building materials.
  • It has a maximum speed of 12,200 rpm and comes in lightweight and compact packaging, making it easy to store and transport.
  • This product offers high-quality cutting performance at a budget-friendly price.

дополнительный параметр

макс. 12 200 об/мин

технические параметры

⌀ 125 × 22,2 × 2 мм

информация об упаковке

weight: 0.1472 kg
size: 14.5 x 12.5 x 0.5 cm

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