Роторный очиститель поверхностей, ⌀ 25 см

The rotary surface cleaner is perfect for pressure cleaners. It has a floating effect created by rotating nozzles and pressurized water with integrated splash protection.

The 25mm rotary surface cleaner is a perfect accessory for pressure cleaners. It operates by the floating effect, created by the rotating nozzles and pressurized water, providing an effective cleaning action on surfaces such as natural stone, concrete, tiles, wood, etc. It also features integrated splash protection for added safety. The surface cleaner has a packaging weight of 0.9 kg and dimensions of 45.5 x 25.0 x 14.0 cm. It is suitable for both vertical and horizontal surface cleaning. Get the product for an outstanding cleaning experience.


suitable for both vertical and horizontal work, can be used for cleaning surfaces made from natural stone, concrete, tiles, wood, etc.

технические параметры

⌀ 25 cm

информация об упаковке

weight: 0.9 kg
size: 45.5 x 25.0 x 14.0 cm

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