Набор фрез для фрезерования, с зубьями из спеченного карбида, комплект 35 шт.

Модель: 44040 Категория:

Versatile and essential router cutter set with 35 sintered carbide teeth milling cutters, guide wheel with bearings, and 8mm clamping shank. Perfect for machining hardwood, plastics, and pressed boards. Comes in a metal case.

  • This router cutter set is a versatile and essential tool for any woodworking enthusiast or professional.
  • With 35 pieces, it includes a variety of sintered carbide teeth milling cutters, a guide wheel with high-quality bearings, and a clamping shank with a diameter of 8 mm.
  • The durable sintered carbide plates make it perfect for machining hardwood, plastics, and pressed boards.
  • It comes in a sturdy metal case for easy storage and transportation.

дополнительный параметр

shank 8 mm, in a metal case

информация об упаковке

weight: 2.22 kg
size: 33.0 x 24.5 x 7.0 cm

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