Нож хозяйственный с отщелкивающимися лезвиями, металлическое усиление, 18 мм

Get accurate and secure cuts with this 18 mm utility knife with snap off blades that features a metal reinforcement, locking screw wheel, and solid ABS plastic handle.

дополнительный параметр

with locking screw wheel

технические параметры

18 mm

информация об упаковке

weight: 0.07639 kg
size: 21.0 x 7.0 x 3.5 cm

  • This utility knife with snap off blades is the perfect tool for your home or office.
  • It has a solid ABS plastic handle for easy and comfortable use, and features a metal reinforcement for durability.
  • The 18 mm blade has a locking screw wheel, so you get a secure and tight cut every time.
  • The lightweight design and small size makes it easy to store and transport.
  • Make quick and easy cuts with this snap-off blade knife.

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